Looking for unique design of baby shower invitations is easy, just choose the best one design do you like. Some of them is an owl design that showed unique anc cute design for a baby shower invitations. Here, i have some references of owl design for your baby shower invitations. You can applied this design for your baby shower invitations. For a Baby girl, combine the design with pink color like this one. Combine with cute owl design. Include the information about day, date, the name of mother, place, and RSVP. Combine with the words that mean invite the guest. For a Boys, try to use this one. Combine the little cute owl design with bue color, with anyting around it. Don’t forget about the information. It’s look so speial and ready to sent. About the envelope, here is the owl envelope design, You can using a piece of paper and combine with sparkliang and ribbons. It’s realy cute and make the guest who invite more interest. Then send two weeks before the party. Trully, many kinds of owl design baby shower invitations that can you applied on your invitations card. You can buy it on the baby shop or do it by yourself. It simple and cute design with owl inside.