A young girl named Strawberry Shortcake, along with her cat Custard and dog Pupcake, go on an adventure of friendship in Strawberryland. Strawberry Shortcake, Custard and Pupcake embark on an adventure to find party supplies for Strawberry’s sister Apple Dumplin’s first birthday. Along the way, Strawberry meets some new friends, who give her the gifts she needs.
Although Strawberry Shortcake has a variety of exciting episodes in each season, the kids really don’t miss out on all their adventures. With that in mind, we’ve provided this eleven Strawberry Shortcake Invitation Templates for those of you who love their exciting adventures. With this, you can be as creative as you want with the templates that we have provided especially for you. Get creative with the writing that you can change in such a way according to what you need.
And because the invitation we present to you today is a package that can be use immediately, here we will gave you a little guide on how to have your chosen invitation and make your party become complete and then leaving a memorable memory.
First, choose the one that you like the most then right-click on the chosen invitation. When a new option tab comes out, choose the one with ‘save image as’. Save it in your device and done your invitation finally yours. And then you can add party information by using Microsoft Word or Adobe Photoshop to add them. It’s very simple and easy, right? And if you want to edit them with an easy way, we have a template for them here.