Sofia The First is an American animated series on the Disney Channel that is loved by children. The cartoon series tells the story of Sofia who becomes a princess after her mother marries the King of Enchancia. The episodes focus on her adventures with her animal friends, who communicate with her through talismans that bless and curse her based on the goodness of her actions.
For this reason, on this occasion I made a birthday invitation package with the theme of Sofia The First, this design package has nine designs that you can choose according to what you like. In addition, you can download it for free and also edit it very easily. I will provide instructions later. And don’t worry, I will help you to create the decoration ideas for this party
The exact decoration is an indoor party with a purple theme with decorative balloons circling a background with Sofia’s picture, which has been printed along with your photo to create a very fancy background banner. You can also add lots of birthday decoration trinkets and then arrange them where you think they fit. You can also add birthday hats to share with your friends.
A purple goodie bag with an ornate label is a very fancy option. You can fill them with coloring tools with pictures that match the theme of your party, and then you can also add some simple toys like soap bubbles. Don’t forget to prepare food such as choco chip cookies, pudding cups, canned potato chips that have been labeled for your birthday.
And because the invitation we present to you today is a package that can be use immediately, here we will gave you a little guide on how to have your chosen invitation and make your party become complete and then leaving a memorable memory.
First, choose the one that you like the most then right-click on the chosen invitation. When a new option tab comes out, choose the one with ‘save image as’. Save it in your device and done your invitation finally yours. And then you can add party information by using Microsoft Word or Adobe Photoshop to add them. It’s very simple and easy, right? And if you want to edit them with an easy way, we have a template for them bellow.